Eselin als Seelsorgerin. Der Esel als Seelsorger.
2010, Video, 60 Min., by Marina Abramovic; Confession centers around the
artist’s shocking anecdotes. The body that has been subjected to so much
physical attrition remains motionless in this video. The attention is thus
shifted from the physical to the more psychological realm. Even though she does
not speak, Abramovic gives us insight into her troubled past. Memories of her
childhood appear as text along the bottom of the screen while she kneels before
a donkey. They stand face to face this way throughout the piece, Abramovic
mesmerizing the animal with her gaze and seemingly imparting upon it her
painful childhood memories. The animal moves its legs and head only rarely. For
the majority of the film however, the donkey remains posed - virtually frozen
and with a deceptively sympathetic look in his eye - opposite the artist."
LIMA, Amsterdam
- Neueste
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